Vision Statement
The National Association for Rural Mental Health seeks to promote the linkage of the diverse voices of rural mental health, through its activities as a membership organization. As a national organization, NARMH provides a forum for rural mental health professionals, advocates, and consumers to identify issues and problems, share innovative solutions and model programs, and speak with a shared voice on issues of rural mental health concern.
As an organization with a historical heritage of education, NARMH’s sponsorship of an annual conference, regional workshops, and publication of written information is focused upon increasing the body of knowledge related to rural mental health. NARMH’s educational efforts will continue to link the myriad of rural issues and experience into a connected fabric of understanding.
NARMH shall provide a common voice for rural mental health within national and state public policy arenas. Through the information sharing with other organizations, government agencies, federal and state leaders, and others, NARMH will seek to ensure rural America is taken into account in the formation of private and public mental healthcare policy.
Mission Statement
"Linking Voices to Promote Rural Mental Health."
NARMH carries out this mission through electronic and print communication, an annual national conference, participation in national policy making, and special projects.
A New Year’s Message from NARMH’s New Leader

Welcome to the National Association for Rural Mental Health’s (NARMH). For over 40 years, NARMH has advocated for increased access, availability, and acceptability of mental health and substance use services.
This work is not done alone. NARMH is hosted by Minnesota State University at Mankato’s Center for Rural Behavioral Health and is an affiliate of the National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors (NACBHDD). Continuing NARMH’s proud history of education, we partner with the American Psychological Association to publish the Journal for Rural Mental Health.
During this time, the transformation for mental health and substance use fields NARMH will continue to elevate the voice of rural communities. We hope you will join our community as we continue to link voices to promote rural mental health.
Jonah Cunningham
President and CEO, NARMH
Board of Directors
Jessica Black, Ph.D. (24)
Assistant Professor
UAF College of Rural and Community Development
Fairbanks, AK
907-750-2275 (office)
*Mental Health Liaison Group Rep
Lori Irvine, MA, LCSW (25)
North Central Missouri Mental Health Center
Trenton, MO
660-359-4487 (office)
David Albright (23)
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL
205-348-4416 (office)
Jennifer Christman (25)
VetAdvisor Services
Three Wire Systems
Ebensburg, PA
814-846-4664 (office)
Paul Force-Emery Mackie, PhD, LISW (24)
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Mankato, MN
507-389-6335 (office)
Kevin Martone, LSW (26)
Executive Director, TAC
Boston, MA
617-266-5667 x133 (office)
Helene Silverblatt, M.D. (24)
University of New Mexico
Corrales, NM
505-321-6106 (office)
Liza Tupa (25)
Brenda Vezina (24)
Kiva Centers
Worcester, MA
Sa’uda K. Dunlap, LCSW (26)
Assistant Vice President of Equity and Belonging
Richard Lawrence (Larry) Merkel, Jr. MD, PhD (26)
Professor Director of Outreach Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences
University of Virginia
Fayth M. Parks, PhD (26)
Professor of Leadership and Psychology Graduate School of Leadership and Change
Antioch University
Advisory Board Member
Charles Smith, Ph.D.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Denver, CO
Emeritus Board Members