
The National Association for Rural Mental Health (NARMH) is a professional organization that serves the field of rural behavioral health. NARMH’s membership includes the entire spectrum of the rural mental health community, including consumers, family members, practitioners, administrators, educators, researchers, and policy makers. A unifying force for NARMH has been a focus on rural concerns, which includes a commitment to rural people and those that serve them. This belief that rural comes first has allowed NARMH to concentrate its efforts to improve access, availability, acceptability of behavioral health and substance abuse services and research in rural and frontier areas.

Message from NARMH President

Kevin Martone

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I extend my warmest welcome to the National Association of Rural Mental Health current and future members. As we transition from a time of crisis and epidemic due to COVID-19, we are in a prime position to shine a light on the need for increased awareness, access, and advocacy for rural mental health services in our country.

The focus of NARMH in this coming year is to increase our voice to help advocate and influence policy, practice, and the consumer experience. Your voice brings rural expertise and innovation to the forefront so we can learn from each other and promote what works for rural mental healthcare. That is why you will see through the partnerships we have formed with the National Association of county Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors (NACBHDD) and the Minnesota State Mankato University’s Center for Rural Behavioral Health (CRBH) we are stronger than ever.

Our relationship with NACBHDD links NARMH to key policy leaders and decision makers where our rural voice is heard. The CRBH links us to academia for training and development of our workforce in the latest best practices surround rural mental health along with supporting NARMHs administrative functions. Between our two partners, we have an integrated approach, to grow our membership to increase our voice.

NARMH is home to an array of members such as individuals, provider organizations, associations, academic institutions, tribal members, health systems and insurers among others. It is through our members that drive what is important for NARMH and we encourage you to join our efforts.

On behalf of myself, the entire board of directors and staff, I look forward to all that NARMH can and will do by continuing to shed light on the importance of increasing access and availability of mental health services in the largest geography of our country; Rural Communities!

Shauna Reitmeier, MSW, LGSW

National Association for Rural Mental Health(NARMH)